Cu ceva timp in urma am participat la un eveniment Debenhams unde m-am indragostit de o geanta Cambridge din colectia Henry Holland. Anul acesta putem vorbi despre un adevarat trend, insa acest model m-a atras datorita culorii speciale - un mov metalizat.
Mi se pare accesoriul potrivit pentru tinuta mea office compusa din pantaloni pana si camasa alba, la care adaug un colier cu reflexii metalizate si, in functie de dispozitie, ochelari geek style sau o palarie fedora (preferata mea inca de anul trecut).
Some time ago I attended a Debenhams event where I fell in love with a cambridge bag from Henry Holland collection. This year we can talk about a real trend, but this particular model caught my attention because of the color - a metallic purple.
I think this accessory it`s perfect for my office outfit made of trousers and white shirt to which I added a necklace with metallic reflections and, depending on the mood, geek style glasses or fedora hat (my favorite since last year).

I just love it!
what a great look! :)
LOVE the handbag! x