The blue eye shadow managed to take the first place in the top of the make-up trends for spring-summer 2013. The classic and immortal black eyeliner lost the battle with this great color. We already knew that it`s a color that flatters brown or black eyes, but the good news is that the makeup artists have proposed this trend even for green and blue eyes.
In the biggest fashion collections I have seen blue eyeshadow and eyeliner, so you can choose the one you like the most, or why not both. In terms of their application there is no restrictions. The blue makeup can be worn on the upper eyelid but also at the base of the lower lashes. The first option is recommended for people with eyes in a descending line, and the second for those who want to give the impression of larger eyes.
My favorite makeup was the one proposed by Versus and I already have a favorite product: Barry M Eyeliner - which costs around 3,5 Euro and can be purchased in Marionnaud stores. This is one of the best eyeliners I`ve tried. You can apply it perfectly, it does not dry or crack and the color is intense.
This make-up can be done very easily. Besides the blue tail, at the base of the upper eyelashes I also traced a line with a black eyeliner. I`ve put on some false lashes and I applied a white lining. To obtain a colorblocking effect I`ve chosen a fuchsia lipstick.
Fardul albastru a reusit sa cucereasca tendintele in materie de make-up pentru sezonul cald 2013. Clasicul si nemuritorul eyeliner negru a fost detronat de cel care ne aminteste de culoarea marii. Stiam deja ca este o culoare care flateaza ochii caprui sau negri, insa vestea buna este ca specialistii au propus aceasta tendinta chiar si pentru ochii verzi sau albastri.
In colectiile marilor case de moda am putut observa atat farduri albastre cat si eyelinere, deci ramane sa optam pentru varianta care ne incanta mai mult sau, de ce nu, pentru ambele. Nici in ceea ce priveste aplicarea lor nu exista restrictii. Acestea pot fi purtat atat pe pleoapa superioara cat si la baza genelor inferioare. Prima varianta este indicata pentru persoanele cu ochi descendenti, iar cea de-a doua pentru cele care vor sa dea senzatia de ochi mai mari.

Machiajul poate fi realizat extrem de simplu. Pe langa acea codita albastra, la baza genelor superioare am mai trasat o linie cu tus negru. Mi-am pus gene false si am aplicat un creion alb pe mucoasa. Pentru a obtine un efect de colorblocking am ales un ruj fuchsia.
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