The result was astonishing: a provocative corset that puts out my shapes, a skirt perfect for my stature and a jacket that complets nicely the rest of the outfit.
I was fascinated by the volumetry, the way the peplum looked and, not least, by the original cuts.
I completed the outfit with: Asos belt, shoes , clutch, H&M and Bershka necklace and Versace for H&M bracelet.
In a doua zi la Paris Fashion Week am purtat o tinuta completa semnata Fe[Male]. Mirela Fraser, designerul brandului, mi-a ghicit gusturile din prima iar cand am vazut schita si corsetul cu peplum... m-am indragostit iremediabil. Abia asteptam sa vad ce o sa iasa si sa probez piesele...
Rezultatul a fost PERFECT: un corset seducator care imi pune formele in evidenta, o fusta care imi avantajeaza statura si un sacou care completeaza perfect restul tinutei.
M-au fascinat volumetriile, felul in care se aseaza peplumul si, nu in ultimul rand, decupajele originale.
Mi-am completat tinuta cu: o curea Asos, pantofi, plic, coliere H&M si Bershka si bratara Versace pentru H&M.
Impreuna cu Oana Cilibiu, Isabel Buganu (IB Elan Team & PR Diva Hair) si Georgiana Boboc.
Aparitie in
Geanta mea a aparut in Vogue Brazilia:
"Revenons au street style... Quelques looks qui sortent de l'ordinaire. J'aime le tailleur avec les triangles découpés à même le tissu."
love the outfit! the cuts are so cute, edgy and futuristic!
Da! Mirela Fraser este geniala! Are o imaginatie atat de bogata. Ador creatiile ei.