vineri, 2 noiembrie 2012

Preview Maison Martin Margiela for H&M

Astazi am fost in showroom-ul H&M sa vad noua colectie MMM pentru H&M. Am fost cucerita imediat de pantofi si de aceasta superba pereche de cizme:

Designul intregii colectii este neobisnuit iar incaltamintea nu face exceptie. Pantofii au acea doza de "altceva" care functioneaza ca un magnet pentru orice femeie care are un fetish pentru aceste accesorii. Preturile lor vor fi intre 500-1000 de lei.
Mi-au mai placut si plicurile sub forma de ambalaj (din colectia face parte si unul argintiu). Cel fuchsia imi aduce aminte de experienta PFW, caci atunci l-a purtat prietena mea Isabel.

 O alta creatie cu un design neobisnuit:

 Volumetriile si creatiile supradimensionate sunt carateristice pentru celebrul si enigmaticul designer.

 In ceea ce priveste hainele, colectia pentru barbati mi se pare mult mai purtabila. Dintre toate cele 3 colaborari de pana acum, care au ajuns si in Romania (Versace, Marni si MMM), aceasta mi se pare cea mai reusita.

Oficial, colectia Maison Martin Margiela for H&M va fi lansata pe 15 noiembrie.

Despre Martin Margiela:
Are 55 de ani, s-a nascut in Belgia si este unul dintre cei mai enigmatici designeri si asta deoarece nu se lasa fotografiat, nu apare niciodata la finalul show-urilor sale de moda iar legatura cu presa o tine exclusiv prin fax. 

Toate colectiile sale stau sub o insiruire de numere de la 0-23. Iata o imagine care sa va ajute sa intelegi mai bine conceptul:

De-a lungul carierei sale a mai colaborat cu alte branduri celebre din industria modei precum: Jean Paul Gaultier si Hermes.
Today I was at the H&M showroom to see the new collection Maison Martin Margiela for H&M. I was immediately conquered by the shoes and this gorgeous pair of boots.

The entire  collection design is unusual and the footwear makes no exception. The shoes have that dose of "something" that works like a magnet for every woman who has a fetish for these items. Their prices will be between 500-1000 lei.

I also love the clutches that look like candy packaging (the collection also has one silver clutch). The fuchsia bag reminds me of the PFW experience, because there, my friend Isabel used it to accessorize her outfit.
Big volumes and oversized items are the main characteristics for the famous and enigmatic designer.
Regarding the men clothes collection - they seem to be more wearable. From the three collaborations between H&M and international designers, that arrived in Romania (Versace, Marni and MMM), this one seems to be the most successful.

 Officially the Maison Martin Margiela collection for H&M will be released on the 15th of November.
About Martin Margiela:

He`s 55, was born in Belgium and is one of the most enigmatic designers: he was never photographed, he doesn`t appears at the end of his fashion shows, and he only talks with the press by fax.

All his collections are a sequences of numbers from 0-23. Throughout his career he also worked with other famous brands from the fashion industry such as Jean Paul Gaultier and Hermes.

Un comentariu:

  1. Abia astept sa apara si in magazine colectia! Incaltarile au fost primele care m-au cucerit! :)
