luni, 18 februarie 2013

Marilyn Monroe mood

Marilyn Monroe este unul dintre cei mai mari fashion iconi ai tuturor timpurilor. Nu stiu cand vor inceta femeile sa se inspire din stilul ei atat de feminin si de senzual. Probabil niciodata... Marilyn continua sa fie la fel de actuala ca acum mai bine de 50 de ani. Ea a fost muza mea pentru aceasta postare iar citate ei pot fi inepuizabile surse de intelepciune.

Marilyn Monroe is one of the biggest fashion icons of all time. I do not know when women will stop being inspired by her style, so feminine and sensual. Probably never ... Marilyn continues to be now as contemporary as she was more than 50 years ago. She was my inspiration for this post and her quotes can be inexhaustible source of wisdom.

                                                  Am purtat - rochie si colier Nicole Enea
Despre aceasta ceainarie minunata v-am mai povestit si in postarea Escapada de la birou.
Va recomand si postarea  Bob hairtsyle.
FOTO: Roxana Arghirescu

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