miercuri, 30 ianuarie 2013

Geometry - The biggest trend for spring 2013

I don`t know about you guys, but I was never a math lover. That`s why I chose to be a journalist. But, this year we will all adore geometry... at least in fashion, because it`s the biggest trend made by designers.

We know that Michael Kors is mad about stripes but this season Louis Vuitton took the geometry at a whole new level! He recieved some help from almost all the designers but most of all from: Marc Jacobs, Moschino, Marni and ... not the least, the one and only Michael Kors.

If you want to wear this trend you can buy evey piesce of clothing that crosses your mind because they make everything with a geometric print. We were used with dots, but this season, this print, is not that big of a deal anymore.

Here's a top 3 geometric prints that you should wear in 2013:

Horizontal stripes
From left to right: Moschino, Christian Dior, Dolce & Gabbana
From left to right: Marc Jacobs, Elie Saab, Max Mara

From left to right: Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton, Alexis Mabille
From left to right: Bonkuk Koo, Alexandre Herchcovitch, Allude

Plaid print 
 From left to right: Roccobarocco, Clements Ribeiro, House of Holland
 From left to right: Dries Van Noten, Marni, Antoni Alison

So, what`s your favorite geometric print?

duminică, 27 ianuarie 2013

10 Best outfits from spring 2013 collections

I took a look in all designers collections and I picked out my Top 10 outfits. Here they are:

Best trench - Burberry Prorsum
First of all I must admit that the Burberry Prorsum collection is one of my favorite. Although everybody prefers the fuchsia one, I'm just in love with the turquoise one!

Best peplum outfit - Burberry Prorsum
Here`s another Burrbery outfit. I love peplum, sequins & color blocking, and this outfit combines all of them. So, what`s not to like?!

Best mixing prints outfit - Aquilano Rimond
I liked this trend of mixing prints since last year but this outfit I adore because it has a retro design, peplum, and not least, that "Arlequin" look that makes it even more attractive to me.

Best little black dress - Lanvin
This Lanvin dress is so sexy! All LBD should be like this! I think it will be impossible not to charm everybody you cross with if you wear this outfit.

Best red carpet dress - Elie Saab
I saw a lot of sequin dresses on the red carpet, but most of them ar nude & black. I would love to see some colour!

Best pijama suit - Roccobarocco
Ok, so this trend is ON since last year but it has been amplified with this geometrical trend! It`s hard to pick one that doesn`t look like a pijama, but I think that this Roccobarocco will do that trick. The accessories make this happen!

Best outfit with pants - Saint Laurent
Saint Laurent has the best outfits with pants in the spring collection. I love all those maxi hats that can give you a mysterious look and the bow scarves!

Best leather dress - Thierry Mugler
I love the volumetry of Thierry`s Mugler leather dress. Only if I had long legs to wear it...

Best golden dress - Zuhair Murad
Let`s see you J.Lo how you rock this dress! It`s the perfect outfit for a godess.

Best romantic dress - Lela Rose
This is a simple and romantic dress. Probably, most of you will say WTF? But... I`m a romantic person so... I say it`s fairy-like and I would like to wear it.

So, what`s your favorite one?

luni, 21 ianuarie 2013

Everything you need to know about peplum clothes

Peplum is a trend for more than 2 years, and more important, it will also be important in the fashion industry in 2013. So, if you haven't bought a dress, a skirt or top with this design detail... you should! But, first of all, you should learn how to wear this trend! Here are a few tips:

- clothes with peplum are perfect for girls with no hips. That's because it gives them the illusion of a perfect body shape, like a hourglass.
- If you have a curvy figure that doesn't mean you can't wear peplum! Not at all! That's the good news! Everyone cand wear it, but in different shape so it would flatter the figures.
- So, if you have big hips you have two options:
*wear a short peplum, that stops just at the middle of your hips.
* wear a long peplum, that covers all your hips, but be careful at it`s volume. It doesn't have to be big. If you need an exemple, you should watch Kim Kardashian - she is a big fan of peplum!

If you choose this two models of peplum you will avoid putting some extra volume on your hips and you will still be able to enjoy this huge trend!
- The best way to style a peplum top is with a pencil skirt or with shinny jeans or even short pants if you have nice legs. You should choose different colours for your top and bottom to create a color block - the next best trend besides peplum!

- In the case of peplum skirt, you shoud wear it with bodycon tops that follow your body line, and with short jackets, that stop right at your waistline.  Another idea is to wear it with a shirt. Put a big necklace on and you`ll be gorgeous!

- If you want to wear a peplum dress you need to know that it's easier to style it. If you want to wear it at the office you just have to add a thin belt, a tote bag (Birkin style), and stilettos. If you want to go out in a peplum dress you can add a statement necklace, a clutch and some beautyful pumps.

This are the basic tips you need to know about peplum. Now, you can wear it and enjoy one of the most important trend of this year!

vineri, 18 ianuarie 2013

OZ - The ice queen

Nu am mai facut pana acum fotografii in ceata, insa efectul a fost surprinzator. Deoarece era si zapada pe jos, peisajul a devenit aproape insesizabil.

Rochia din aceste fotografii este de la New Yorker. Eram obisnuita sa asociez brandul cu haine casual, sau chiar sport, insa la sfarsitul lui 2012 am participat la un eveniment organizat de ei si am descoperit aceasta rochie din dandeta, delicata si extrem de senzuala. A fost dragoste la prima vedere. Aceasta este, oficial, cea mai scurta rochie din garderoba mea. De aceea, am ales sa o port cu cizme cat mai lungi. Accesoriile cu marcasite, onix si tinte mi-au intregit look-ul cu influente gotice. 

Fotografii realizate de Roxana Arghirescu 

I've never done photos in the fog, but the effect was surprising. Because the snow was on the ground, the landscape has become almost invisible.

The dress in these pictures is from New Yorker. I used to associate this brand with casual or sports
clothes, but at the end of 2012 I attended an event organized by them and I found this delicate and extremely sensual lace dress. It was love at first sight. This is officially the shortest dress in my wardrobe. Therefore, I chose to wear it with long boots. The accessories with marcasite, onyx and studs completed my gothic look.


 *Nu uitati sa participati la concursul label.m!

miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2013

Castiga un set de produse label.m si un portfard semnat de designerul Giles Deacon

Iata prima surpriza din 2013: Un super-concurs organizat in colaborare cu luxbeauty.ro!

Puteti castiga un set de produse profesionale, pentru ingrijirea parului, de la label.m si un portfard semnat de designerul Giles Deacon.

Setul este compus dintr-un dry shampoo, despre care v-am povestit si in postarea “Kitul meu de produse pentru ingrijirea parului” (si de care sunt dependenta) si un fixativ.

In ceea ce priveste portfardul,  trebuie sa mentionez faptul ca label.m este, de 17 sezoane, sponsor oficial al London Fashion Week. De aici a pornit si colaborarea cu designerul britanic Giles Deacon.
Ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a participa?

- Sa dati like paginii https://www.facebook.com/Label.m
- Sa lasati un comentariu in care sa mentionati de ce va atrage acest premiu. Am rugamintea sa nu il postati in mod anonim, ci dupa logare. In acest fel o sa-mi fie mai usor sa va gasesc in cazul in care castigati.

Concursul se desfasoara in perioada 16-23 ianuarie. Pe 24 ianuarie, prin tragere la sorti, voi desemna castigatoarea.


NUMARUL NOROCOS: 37! Felicitari Emma!

luni, 14 ianuarie 2013

Les filles florissantes: OZ & LaChatterie

In weekend am facut noi fotografii pentru un proiect lansat de LaChatterie: Les filles florissantes - noua linie de accesorii. Acesta se va desfasura pe Instagram pe tot parcursul anului 2013. Din proiect vor face parte bloggeri de moda, stilisti, actrite s.a.m.d, iar fiecare piesa va reprezenta o extensie a personalitatii celei care o poarta. Fiecare piesa va fi unicat.

Eu m-am numarat printre primele fete care au dat viata noilor accesorii, iar coronita care ma reprezinta este una plina de culoare, de feminitate si, nu in ultimul rand, de romantism. O ador!

This weekend I made a photo-session for a new  project with LaChatterie: Les Filles florissantes - a new line of accessories. This project will be held on Instagram throughout 2013. The project will include fashion bloggers, stylists, actresses and so on, and each piece will be an extension of the personality of the wearer. Each piece will be unique.

I was one of the first girls who gave life to this new accessories-line and the tiara representing me is full of color, femininity and, not least, romance. I love it!

Cei care nu sunt familiarizati cu aplicatia Instagram pot urmari conceptul si pe pagina de facebook: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151199438996401.444662.376454941400&type=1

Informatii utile: Coronitele se pot face pe comanda. Ele vor fi personalizate in functie de cele care le vor purta. Astfel, fiecare va avea un accesoriu unicat. Preturi: 50-200 lei.