Oricine cred ca are in garderoba (sau ar trebui sa aiba) un tricou casual, din bumbac, alb sau negru. Este foarte simplu sa-l asortezi la o pereche de blugi si o pereche de balerini, insa poti sa il incluzi chiar si in tinute elegante daca alegi cu grija restul pieselor vestimentare dar, mai ales, accesoriile.
Pentru ca tricoul este foarte simplu trebuie sa echilibrezi balanta si sa aduci in tinuta foarte multe piese si accesorii elegante. Eu am optat pentru o fusta aurie, paietata, pantofi satinati si multe accesorii cu insertii aurii. Secretul pentru o tinuta glam sta in multitudinea de piese, cu aspect pretios, cu care iti completezi look-ul. Este recomandat sa mizezi pe nuante de auriu/ argintiu, paiete, strasuri, glitter sau orice altceva care te face sa te simti ca o diva pe covorul rosu!
How to wear a casual shirt into a glam outfit
I think everybody has in their wardrobe (or they should have) a cotton casual shirt, in black or white. It's simple to wear it with a pair of jeans and flats, but you can wear it even in elegant outfits if you choose carefully the rest of the clothes and especially the accessories.
Because the shirt is very simple you must balance the outfit and bring many stylish and elegant accessories. I chose a sequin gold skirt, satin shoes and many accessories with gold highlights. The secret for a glam outfit lies in the many precious accessories you choose to complete your look. It`s important to choose for your outfit shades of gold/silver, sequins, rhinestones, glitter or anything that makes you feel like a diva on the red carpet!
I've never tried to wear my hair pulled on top in an knot, but I recently bought a hair-sponge and I had to tried it on. I wanted one for a long time, but did not know how to use it. In fact, it`s very simple. You just need to catch the hair in a ponytail, pull the hair trought the sponge, and then twist it around it . Finally, we only need to fix the knot with a few bobby pins.
I am very excited about this hair style so I`m sure I'll use it more often.
Nu am mai pozat pana acum cu parul prins in coc, in partea de top, insa trebuia sa inaugurez noul meu buret circular. Imi doream unul de mult timp, insa nu stiam sa-l folosesc. De fapt, lucrurile sunt foarte simple. Trebuie doar sa-mi prind parul intr-o coada, in crestetul capului, sa trag buretul pe coada, apoi sa rasfir parul pe buret (ca un palmier) si sa incep sa-l rasucesc in jurul buretului. In final, trebuie doar sa mai fixez varfurile cu cateva agrafe.
Sunt foarte incantata de el asa ca o sa-l folosesc tot mai des.