Din stilul vestimentar al Ditei ma inspir mai rar, insa in machiajul ei ma regasesc 100%. Tusul il foloseam de foarte mult timp (aproape in fiecare zi!), insa de aproximativ un an am inceput sa ador rujurile in nuante tari (rosu sau fuchsia) si au devenit aproape la fel de prezente in machiajul meu de zi cu zi ca si in cel al divei.
Asa cum am spus adesea si in articolele de pe DivaHair.ro, rujul rosu a rupt, in ultimii ani, toate barierele astfel ca nu mai este doar un ruj de seara. Il poti purta oricand, in timpul zilei, fara sa pari vulgara cu un machiaj minimalist, sau unul cu influente retro, in combinatie cu tus (stilul meu preferat). Rujul rosu are "puteri", atrage privirile atat ale femeilor dar in mod special ale barbatilor. Este pur si simplu seducator! Eu am simtit-o pe propria-mi piele!
In vara anului trecut am colaborat cu Suzana Visan (make-up artist Pro tv) care a realizat o serie de tutoriale pentru Diva Hair. Cu aceasta ocazie Suzana a incercat sa ma transforme intr-o copie a Ditei. Nu sunt tocmai o incepatoare intr-ale machiajului caci experienta acumulata in ultimii ani si-au spus cuvantul, insa de la Suzana am invatat cum sa-mi perfectionez tehnica, sa fac umbre, ce produse sa folosesc pentru a ascunde orice imperfectiune, pentru a obtine un ten fara cusur, exact ca Dita.
Iata ce a iesit:
Ideea de a realiza colajele mi-a venit dupa ce am terminat sedinta foto. Aveam o arhiva de fotografii cu Dita asa ca mi-a fost usor sa gasesc cateva ipostaze asemanatoare.
Daca doriti sa realizati un machiaj in stilul Dita Von Teese va recomand sa cititi articolul publicat pe Diva Hair.
The evolution of my personal style has seen a significant change since I discovered Diva Von Teese. I`ve always been passionate about retro looks, ultra-feminine and Dita inspired me from the start. I often say that she is my ideal of beauty.
I rarely copy her dressing style, but her makeup... I love IT! I start using eyeliner a long time ago (almost every day!), but about a year ago I began to love statement lipsticks, like red or fuchsia. I started to use these colors almost as often as Dita does it in her everyday makeup.
As I often say in DivaHair.ro articles, red lipstick broke, recently, all barriers. Now you can wear it anytime of the day without looking vulgar with a minimalist makeup, or one with retro influences, combined with eyeliner (my favorite style). In fact, red lipstick has "powers", it attracts both women but especially men. It is simply seductive! I felt it on my own skin!
Last summer I worked with Suzana Visan (Pro TV make-up artist) who made a series of makeup tutorials for Diva Hair. On this occasion Suzana tried to make look like Dita. I`m not a beginner in this makeup experience, because in the past years I gained some experience, but from Suzana I learned how to improve my techniques, how to do shadows, what products to use to hide any imperfections and achieve a flawless skin, just like Dita.
I rarely copy her dressing style, but her makeup... I love IT! I start using eyeliner a long time ago (almost every day!), but about a year ago I began to love statement lipsticks, like red or fuchsia. I started to use these colors almost as often as Dita does it in her everyday makeup.
As I often say in DivaHair.ro articles, red lipstick broke, recently, all barriers. Now you can wear it anytime of the day without looking vulgar with a minimalist makeup, or one with retro influences, combined with eyeliner (my favorite style). In fact, red lipstick has "powers", it attracts both women but especially men. It is simply seductive! I felt it on my own skin!
Last summer I worked with Suzana Visan (Pro TV make-up artist) who made a series of makeup tutorials for Diva Hair. On this occasion Suzana tried to make look like Dita. I`m not a beginner in this makeup experience, because in the past years I gained some experience, but from Suzana I learned how to improve my techniques, how to do shadows, what products to use to hide any imperfections and achieve a flawless skin, just like Dita.
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